What is tai-chi and where does it come from

The common misconception is that tai-chi originated as martial art. It is a 4000 year old spiritual, philosophical and scientific practice of the ancient east also called the supreme boundless way, and was transmitted in reclusive mountain temples. Long before tai-chi was known taoist adapted the energetic principles of meditation to posture and movement , combining this with intense introspection and breathing this system was called chi-kung and its foundation was rooted in chinese medicine also using herbs,acupuncture and massage . Chi kung was the energising system and out of that came cyclical movement also known as single form tai - chi to harmonise our whole being and experience our soul . It became a complete lifestyle practice with the focus on the inner alchemy . Later it became mixed with kung fu and a long form with the focus on the development of martial art was introduced . These fighting skills where only learned to students that understood and had realised the inner aspects of the tao. It was in the 16 the century due to turbulent periods of political and social unrest in china that tai-chi became known to the common public and different family styles as yang, hao, sun and shen known as tai chi chuan where practiced. The martial art aspect came in focus and lot of the foundation and science got lost.

Teaching Tai-Chi  on the beach in India (Goa)
Teaching Tai-Chi on the beach in India (Goa)

This system is chi-kung based tai - chi , trough meditation in movement yin and yang change in to each other and the working of tai-chi emerges. Within the stillness our soul moves and unfolds, allowing us to tap in to our highest potential. Balance and realignment is what this class is about , sommething that we need in every aspect of our life . Yoga is very simple and we do not need complicated postures,forms ,or technics as they will only distract us. Like the rays of the sun are scattered so is our mind by thoughts ; learning to focus it becomes like a laser beam. this practice is twofold as we do a light physical workout to open up all our body , and in the same time we are in meditation . Just to be aware of the breath , the movement , surrender and to let it happen . Remember that we can not do tai - chi, it happens.

Teaching Tai-Chi yogi’s in Naxos (Galini)
Teaching Tai-Chi yogi’s in Naxos (Galini)

The quality of our lives depends on the quality of thoughts that make up the state of mind. we vibrate whats in our mind ( joy - happiness - love - hate - anger-frustration etc) even when we are not aware of such things it affects us and others around us. We all been in situations where the overall feeling was very good or the opposite, and we can feel that. In our true nature we all vibrate the same and a feeling of oneness with everything can be experienced.

Teaching classes in Motus Dance Studio (Chora Naxos)
Teaching classes in Motus Dance Studio (Chora Naxos)