Every session is different as some show me a lot of visual images, others impress me with thoughts and feelings. During this connection your loved ones will provide information about there lives, what kind of people they where, shared memories with you.They might show me things about their work, hobbies, pets, places they lived or have been at with you. This is information you will be able to validate. They are always people you have had a close relationship with at some time in your life so you can recognize the details I give. At the end of the session there is usually a message that can be very appropriate for you.

If during a session I become aware about current issues and difficult situations you are facing, guidance and suggestions will be given. Many people want to know what is going to happen regarding some particular things in there life. What I see are probabilities, possibilities, and pathways in to your future.

Please understand that mediumship is always on an experimental level. Be open and receptive and most important is to enjoy the experience. I know that losing people we love is difficult, but the idea we will never see them again is not the truth. spirit communication is a beautiful and natural process. It is a touching and unforgettable experience. Those that will communicate knew you and cared for you. There is no reason why you should be frightened of them.

I do not consider people claiming to be mediums who speak about your angels, guides, past lives and other entities, but are not able to give any proof of their mediumship. Those who can do such things will always be able to give you decent evidence. I prefer to know absolutely nothing before a session about your loved ones. Communication with the spirit world is a natural process that has a healing effect for the one in spirit and also for the client.


  • Knowing your loved ones are close, and will be there when you pass over.
  • Understanding by experience that life is eternal .
  • Release of emotions you might hold on to.

*Sessions are one to one and will last approximately 30 min.